35/ Japanese Pancakes

These can stick to ring molds if you're not careful; I find giving a spritz of nonstick spray to the ring and running my finger on the inside of it helps.

Mix together: 

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tbl. melted butter
  • 1 tbl. avocado or other mild oil
  • ½ c. milk or ½ + ½
  • ¾ c. pancake mix
  • 2 tbl. sugar

Beat 3 egg whites until stiff with a pinch of cream of tartar. Gently fold into batter. Add a couple tablespoons of mini chocolate chips if you want. 

Heat a large cast iron skillet over low heat for 5 minutes. Arrange 4 greased 4" ring molds in pan. Pour a  ½ tsp. of oil in center of each mold. Scoop ½ c. batter into each mold. Carefully pour a tablespoon or two of water into pan and cover to allow souffles to steam. After ~4 minutes when souffles have risen and bubbled on top, carefully pull ring molds from pancakes (tongs are helpful here), and gently flip. Cover pan again and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Serve immediately! 

Stiffly beaten egg whites are the key to these pancakes.